Greetings Friends & Fam,
For me, one of the best things about being unemployed is the time I've discovered to get back into some things in life that have dropped by the wayside as I got so busy with home, career, and marriage. Working out is probably the biggest of these, but getting a chance to read alot is a close 2nd. Minus a couple of days to nurse injuries, I've been active in some way almost every single day since I left Splash. Mainly running and swimming, but I've managed to do a bunch of canoeing, play some pick-up soccer (my fave, but opportunities are rare,) mountain biking, hiking, and a bit of yoga. I'm really proud of my progress...
Well on July 4th, I had the opportunity to participate in two physical events, luckily enough, two of the very things I'd been doing! I wondered how I'd do - I know I'm up to running an hour and a half at a time, and swimming a mile in the pool, but that's just against myself. So I signed up for an AM 5K road race and an afternoon mass swim across the lake (about 650 yards as near as I can figure,) with the added bonus that my Dad was giving the swim a shot too!
I had no idea how many people would show up at 6:30AM on a Holiday - especially since I rarely see anyone running when I'm out and about - and was amazed when over 200 runners showed up. And some sure looked fast. Luckily I'd run most of the course as a smaller part of my runs so I knew what the hills were gonna be like, and no surprise, the race was gonna end on a decent uphill sprint. I knew I was never going to win anything, I would be happy just to run a decent time and not be last. Started gently and just figured on keeping a steady pace and not letting anyone older than 70 pass me. Found out on the back half I had a lot more wind than I thought and reeled in a bunch of runners, especially on that final hill. Well, I managed a 27:02 (and started about 20 seconds behind the line so I know it's better,) not anything great, but I am really pleased with the results. Surprised, too.
For the afternoon swim, Dad and I were chauffered around the lake and dropped off at the starting beach. Did the paperwork and got the numbers inked on our backs and arms (above the turtle if you were wondering, it was funny watching the lady try to decide where to put it,) and joined the other 300+ at the water's edge. Overheard and met a woman who had forgotten a rubberband for her hair and loaned her the bungee off my wrist (once a Dive Instructor...,) to help. They divided us into two groups, one competitive and the other recreational which would follow the faster swimmers a minute later. I chose to swim with Dad in the non-competitive group (haven't had a swim race since college, and never in a lake - can't see and no flip-turns!) As soon as the "fast" group churned away heading for the far shore, I knew I should have gone with them - I might be a bit overly modest and under-confident how I would stack up, but it was obvious that many of the 1st group were a bit optimistic, too. Our group was held back more than three minutes and then we were off! I didn't want to be dodging other bodies in the murky water (when oh when am I going to be done with low-vis freshwater lakes??) so I started strong to get in front of the thrashers. Picked out a colorful umbrella on the far destination beach and grabbed a quick look every 5 breaths or so to navigate. It was really weird swimming on and on and on without a wall to turn and push off from. Just the occasional safety boat and kayaker cheering "Go! Go!" Suddenly, a pair of feet popped put of the gloom in front of me and I started almost running people over - it was those optimistic stragglers from the 1st group! As I felt a great burst of confidence I turned on the burners a bit, dodging bodies and then my fingers were scraping sand and I rose to my feet and jogged up the beach. What a great feeling to look back at a long stretch of open water you have just conquered and also realize I'd also overtaken at least half of the 1st group, too! Met my Mom, sister, nephew, and Aunt & Uncle on the beach and then cheered Dad in. Then I felt a tap on my arm and it was the girl returning my bungee - I figured with that many swimmers, it was just gone when I loaned it out.
That night the family had a cookout, a local friend joined us and we played some soccer with CJ. I finally capped it off sitting in the grass with CJ watching a really good firework display.
"What a great day," I thought as I dragged my tired & sore body off to bed.
Thanks for reading...